How does it work?
Our system has hardware and software. The hardware mounts in your existing electrical box.
The hardware includes CT clamps (Current Transducer) that wrap around each wire and measure the amount of electricity that flows through. The wires for each RV pad are measured and the wires supplying the electricity to the entire panel are measured as well. There is a small computer that sits in the electrical box as well. The computer collects the information from each CT clamp and sends the data, through a wifi antenna, to the "cloud". The computer needs power to be supplied to it, and needs a hole (usually at the bottom of the box) for the wifi antenna.
What kind of Reports or data does the system produce?
The system is measuring the flow of electricity each second through the wires. The system can show in real-time how much power each site is using. The system can create monthly, weekly, or daily charts that show how much power is used. The graphs help provide campers or owners information to help them make good decisions with their power use. If the peak power use occurs when the camper isn’t physically in the RV (maybe they are at work) the camper might be able to adjust their thermostat to turn on later, or run at different temperatures when the camper isn’t home.
What will I see as the RV Park Owner?
The RV Park owner can choose to be coppied on all invoices and reports the system sends out, or the RV Park owner can choose to receive no reports or invoices (the rerports and invoices are still archived).
We are constantly working on and improving the dashboard where the RV Park owner adds or edits information about their campers. The RV Park owner must tell the system the aniversary date (what day of the month the camper’s month starts and stops) of each camper as well as provide the contact information to send the invoice to the camper. The RV Park owner has a few additional inputs. They must enter the price per kWh the camper is paying. The RV Park owner can choose to pass the ongoing monthly fee on the camper, or the RV Park owner can pay the monthly fee seperately.
Video Library
We are working on creating a video library. Potential customers can watch videos to understand basics of how the system works, how-to videos on getting your RV Park ready to use the system, instructional guiedes on using the dashboard, information on incerasing the value of RV Parks, as well as other valuable content. Click the video thumbnail icon to see the 1 minute basic video.
A fully automated system
Our system, once installed and set up, does the heavy lifting for your electrical sub-metering and billing. You don’t have to read meters and you don’t have to send invoices.
We want to help RV Park owners understand why transferring the electrical costs to their campers is a great decision. RV Park income will become more predictible. Net Income can go up if the RV Park owner adjusts their prices propperly once taking out electricity from the campers pad payment. The park will make more money each month, the money the park makes each month will be more reliable (less up and down) and the valuation of the RV Park will go up.